Please click here and then click on 'Download Current Newsletter' (left column) to download the Spring 2009 Edition of my quarterly newsletter. All prior newsletters are available on my website.
This newsletter contains useful information about Oracle Explain Plans including using TOAD and SQL Developer to get Explain Plans. Also a review of Oracle Database 11g Master SQL and PL/SQL in the Oracle Database by by Jason Price.
Public Course Offerings - Let me know your level of interest...:
- March 24 - 26 Oracle SQL Performance and Tuning (Minneapolis)
- April 7 – 9 Advanced PL/SQL Programming (Minneapolis)
- April 14 – 16 Oracle SQL Performance and Tuning (Denver**)
- May 19 - 21 Advanced PL/SQL Programming (Denver**)
** Denver classes ** Attractive pricing!
Updated Courses:
- SQL Performance Tuning (3-days)
... I'm always adding material to this tuning course
Thank you to all who have replied with positive comments about my newsletter. I do enjoy writing this quarterly publication and using the format to share tips and techniques I use or pickup along my journey.
Let me know how I can help.
Dan Hotka - Author/Instructor/Expert
515 279 3361
"I do the very best I know how - the very best I can;
and I mean to keep doing so until the end." - Abraham Lincoln
Attend one of Dan's Public Classes:
March 24 - 26 Oracle SQL Performance and Tuning (Minneapolis)
April 7 – 9 Advanced PL/SQL Programming (Minneapolis)
April 14 – 16 Oracle SQL Performance and Tuning (Denver)
May 19 - 21 Advanced PL/SQL Programming (Denver)
See Dan at:
Collaborate May 3 - 5, 2009 (Orlando)
Visit Dan's Booth (featuring RAC Experts/Training Experts)
Discoverer Tips and Techniques
Oracle11g New Features for Devopers