Click here to download my Winter 2007 Edition Newsletter. All prior newsletters are available on my website.
This newsletter illustrates how to use the free Oracle PL/SQL Profiler. I have a book review for Oracle Database 10g Performance Tuning Tips and Techniques by Richard J. Niemiec. I have also included useful on-line shopping security tips. Back page covers Old Threshers Reunion and a Pizza Soup recipe.
New Public Courses:
- December 4 - 5, SQL Statement Tuning Tips and Techniques (Minneapolis)
- December 6, TOAD Tips and Techniques (Minneapolis)
- January 15 - 17, 2008 Advanced PL/SQL Programming (Minneapolis)
Contact me about enrollment details.
New Courses:
- SQL Developer Tips and Techniques (1-day)...great when migrating from other similar tools...
- Advance PL/SQL Programing Techniques (3-days)
- Oracle10g New Features for Developers (3-days)
More information about SQL Developer, TOAD, and Oracle Analytics in the Spring edition. Enjoy.
Thank you to all that have replied with positive comments about my newsletter. I do enjoy writing this quarterly publication and using the format to share tips and techniques I use or pickup along my journey.
I have outgrown the method I use to send this newsletter. http://www.verticalresponse.com/ is doing the management of the email which should help me get this newsletter out easier, help eliminate duplicates to you, etc.
Let me know how I can help.
Dan Hotka - Author/Instructor/Expert
515 279 3361
"I do the very best I know how - the very best I can;
and I mean to keep doing so until the end." - Abraham Lincoln
Attend one of Dan's Public Classes:
December 3 - 5, SQL Statement Tuning Tips and Techniques (Minneapolis)
December 6, TOAD Tips and Techniques (Minneapolis)
January 15 - 17, 2008 Advanced PL/SQL Programming (Minneapolis)
See Dan at:
RMOUG February 13 - 14, 2008
Submitted Papers:
Why is my Oracle10g Database slower than my Oracle9i Database?
Tuning When You Cannot Change the Code!
Oracle Discoverer Tips and Techniques
Oracle Analytics Tips and Techniques
All The Free Stuff from Oracle Corp
Colaborate08 April 13 - 17, 2008 (Denver)
Submitted Papers
Why is my Oracle10g Database slower than my Oracle9i Database?
Tuning When You Cannot Change the Code!
Oracle Discoverer Tips and Techniques
Oracle Analytics Tips and Techniques
All The Free Stuff from Oracle Corp